For older iPhone models, the end of the road has appeared!


It is often said that the lifespan of a phone depends on software support. If we accept this, some old iPhone models We can say that the road is coming to an end. Yet cannot be underestimated Older models with a user cut appear to be disconnected.

Older iPhone models may not receive the iOS 15 update

Starting in the last quarter of 2015 iPhone 6S and debuted in the first quarter of 2016 iPhone SE (1st generation) It has received major updates since the day it debuted. The fact that they have been supported by major iOS versions for nearly five years has been a plus that has delighted users. It should be time now that analysts have last update supports it.

old iphone models

For Apple iPhone 6 models and earlier iPhone models IOS 14 update had not published. The iPhone 6S, more powerful in terms of technical features and more recent as a release date, was the oldest phone to receive this update. Now we can easily say that the two models we mentioned are likely not getting the iOS 15 update. So, Apple, iPhone 7 and later it will be model-centric.

However, it was a big plus that both models were supported from iOS 9 to iOS 14. When we look at the Android front, most manufacturers offer no more than two Android updates to their devices.

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