What is the difference between the usual headache and Corona headache


Jeddah – Walaa Haddad

Saturday 21 November 2020 – 7.00 pm

The symptoms of Covid 19 disease resulting from Corona virus infection are similar to the symptoms of many common diseases, and from this perspective many medical sites and even medical studies and research focus on clarifying the difference between those diseases when they strike one. person in the case of Corona or other illnesses, and among those symptoms A common symptom is headache: here’s how to distinguish between a normal headache and a headache caused by the Corona virus, according to the Times of India website.

    Coronavirus headaches cannot be treated with pain relievers

How to recognize a headache caused by the Corona virus:

According to a report published in the journal Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, headache was identified as the fifth most common symptom of corona, after fever, cough, muscle pain, and shortness of breath, and the study also indicated the prevalence of headache in about 6.5-53% of Corona patients.

It can be the same feeling as a normal headache and a headache caused by Corona, however, the headache caused by the Corona virus can turn from mild effects to a sudden increase in health impact, regardless, may respond poorly to common pain relievers and may not decrease, even after resorting to other treatments.

The research also indicated that “it appears that the prevalence of headache in MERS-CoV infection has been underestimated in terms of clinical diversity and description due to the current focus probably on acute respiratory patients.”

Common symptoms of Coronavirus:

Medical studies have confirmed a large number of symptoms that affect humans due to infection with the Corona virus, but there are common symptoms that affect almost the most, which are:

  • Temperature.
  • dry cough.
  • Burning throat.
  • Runny nose and stuffy nose.
  • Chest pain and shortness of breath.
  • Tiredness and tiredness.
  • Gastrointestinal infection.
  • Loss of smell and taste.

Note: Before embarking on or following this treatment or method, consult a physician.

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