Why is the Xbox Series X losing its benchmarks to PS5?


Both Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are already on the market and in consumers’ homes. With fairly discreet routes, everything is said. Lack of units is a problem, And both companies should have predicted better. Be that as it may, the reason you entered this post is another, so let’s go.

Recently we are seeing how in some comparisons the Xbox Series X is “biting the dust” compared to the Playstation 5. In some cases these are minor differences, but in others it comes to cases of bleeding such as DiRT 5 where there are low polygons and others that obviously leave the American car in bad condition.

Xbox Series X comparison

Comparison between Xbox Series X and PS5 in “frame priority” mode.

Problems with the Xbox series devkit

At this point there will surely be many questions: “But Jose, is Xbox Series X less powerful than PS5?”, “Isn’t the Xbox Series X SSD magical?”The answer in both cases is no and no. The difference in power between the two machines is empirically proven and not even praying to the Christ of the Lanterns will change that. However, there is one nuance that changes everything, the development kits of both consoles.

We already knew in the past that the Xbox series kits were a different evolution from what we had with the Xbox One, and this implies that developers have to learn to manage them from scratch and optimize them for the Xbox Series S. Eye, I’m not ensuring that the The problem is the S model, which isn’t, the problem is that we have to relearn technologies like Xbox Velocity Architecture.

Sony for its part has been more conservative and its development kits are in line with what has already been seen with Playstation 4. It is an update of the original kit and therefore it is easier to exploit them. It is a fairly well-played card by the Japanese; While being honest, Microsoft had no choice but to have two different models on the market.

An interesting fact is that the Xbox Series Game Development Kit is certified in June this year, so the developers did not use the release version. Microsoft explained in the document the guidelines to be used in the face of COVID 19 which was already affecting the planet.

Why is the Xbox Series X losing its benchmarks to PS5?  We explain it to you

Xbox Series XDK release date.

Summary: Microsoft needs to simplify the process

Digital Foundry predicted that this would be the case, they were the ones who initially revealed how both dev kits work. I remember his words going so far as to say something like this during early cross-platform games we would have seen differences in favor of PS5, but that it would be something ephemeral and once the developers learned how to unleash the power of the Xbox series, things would change.

Of course, none of this excuses the fact that the world’s most powerful console may or may not be able to afford this image at launch. Microsoft needs to simplify the learning process of its developer kits or whatever it has bragged about will explode in its face as soon as possible.

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