“Hygiene agents should be put in place”


– Why doctor: while we are experiencing a second wave and a new imprisonment, you denounce the lack of pedagogy. Do the measures taken by the government not seem sufficient to you?

Dr Luc Duquesnel : We gargle because we are the country where we do the most tests. I mean “so what?”. We will do the tests as if we were buying our own wand and this will not prevent some who are asymptomatic and who risk being negative on the new antigen tests from contaminating their grandfather and grandmother!

We missed the first wave decontamination to find ourselves in today’s situation: we did not teach people to live with the virus. Everyone is experiencing this crisis, and even more since it was reconfirmed, as a period of constraint, and we are only waiting for one thing, which is to open the doors of the barn to be able to jump out!

Rather than insisting on negative measures, the challenge today should be to prepare for deconfinement and not get confused like last time. As we started, we will go straight to a third wave!

– But then, what should be done to avoid this third wave?

Dr. LD : We should be more educators on hygiene and prevention, have positive messages, take incentive measures on how we learn to live with Covid. But we are not in a country where prevention has an important place in our health system. And we are paying a high price for it.

– These preventive measures, who should remember their importance?

Dr LD : Who are the people involved in prevention? Already liberal health professionals, doctors, pharmacists, nurses and all those who work in the sector. The government recalled their central role in this health crisis. But we’ll do tests while basic sanitation is not taken! Health workers are listened to by the French. We’re not very good at pedagogy if we don’t rely on them enough. And then we must also rely on local communities that have initiatives to take: we should put hygiene workers in place where there is passage, crowds, this would also create jobs. !

At home, in Mayenne, things are done: here, for example, the mayor has set up the market. People line up, respect the distance, but in the end it is very positive because we will go shopping anyway, and there are agents who remind us of the measures to be respected. This is positive prevention when we are too often in negative prevention, prohibitions, sanctions … We will not get out of it like this! If we work on preventive measures, there will be neither third wave nor third imprisonment!

– With the end of the year celebrations approaching, how can we hope to experience them without too many constraints and without risking a resumption of contamination?

Dr LD : You only have to take precautions if you have people at home: simple precautions, disinfect the door handles, do not get too close to the elderly, maybe test yourself if you think you are it can be contaminating … Instead, we close the nursing homes so as not to go and visit our elders!


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