Endured the pain .. A pregnant bitch saved 4 patients from a huge fire .. Witness


A pregnant bitch risked her life and endured the pain to save 4 people after a violent fire broke out in a Russian hospice converted into a hospice where sick elderly live.

The dog entered the building to sound the alarm, causing severe burns, and she also passed out from carbon monoxide fumes, according to the British newspaper “Daily Mail”.

Matilda was injured in a nursing home in the Russian city of Leningrad after sounding the alarm, then firefighters withdrew the four patients.

Volunteers Elena Kalinina and Alexander Zinkevich rescued the hybrid dog Matilda, and one report claimed that the pregnant bitch “was crying and shivering in pain, but endured it all heroically.”

An animal rights shelter said in a statement that Matilda’s face, neck and stomach were badly burned. But her young are still alive and growing well As confirmed by a fertility specialist.

Previously, a brave Doberman dog rescued its owner from the hands of armed robbers after she recklessly leaped to defend him so vigorously until the thugs fled.

Armed thugs tracked down the old “Ludewijk de Jagger”, 58, to his home after he collected his monthly salary from a nearby bank.

The thieves attacked him outside the gate of his home in the town of Brakpan, South Africa, where a criminal appeared during the video clip with a gun aimed at the old woman from close range.

At that moment, the old woman’s dogs, Niki and Duiwel, were running to the door to greet him, when he was surprised by the thieves who pulled him out of the car and threatened him.

As soon as the dogs sensed the looming danger around their owner, they attacked the thieves by force without fear of firearms in their hands.

Nikki was hit by a bullet and needed 14 stitches – 7 in the upper back and 7 in the exit wound on the side of her stomach – but was able to lead the robbers in front of her to escape. quickly.

The old woman tells of the moments when her heart stopped: “I noticed them for the first time when they stopped behind me at the entrance of the house, then they came to the window and asked me to open it, so I did .

He continued: “They took my car keys, so I told myself they can take the car and go. It’s not a problem. It’s insured … but then he started asking me, ‘Where is the money?

Meanwhile, Lodwick’s niece came to the gate with my family dog ​​to welcome him into the house and realized that an armed robbery was in progress. The animals got out and threw one of the gunmen to the ground, who fired three bullets in response.

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