5 surprising symptoms of lung cancer


2:00 am

Sunday 22 November 2020

The British Express newspaper reported that British doctors have discovered some surprising symptoms that could indicate the development of lung cancer.

Specialists from the British “Roy Castle” center, which specializes in the fight against lung cancer, emphasized weight loss and frequent infections in a tidy chest, as well as classic symptoms such as persistent cough, difficulty breathing and constant fatigue, according to ” Russia Today “.

There are unnoticed symptoms such as an increase in the size of the fingertips and a change in their shape and curvature which can also indicate lung cancer.

According to doctors, the reason for the emergence of these symptoms lies in the low amount of oxygen in the blood, which is often indicative of lung or heart disease.

Doctors recommend that you see a doctor if you have facial edema that has not occurred previously, as it could be related to the spread of lung cancer to nearby lymph nodes or blockage of the superior vena cava caused by pressure from the tumor.

Also, doctors recommend a medical examination if pain appears in the back and shoulders. This is considered a surprising symptom for patients because they usually believe that lung cancer causes severe pain only in the chest.


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