Serge Ibaka signs with Brooklyn Net for two seasons


Direct power Serge Ibaka signed with the Brooklyn Nets in a two-season deal based on approximately $ 28 million over the next few years NBA. According to ESPN sources, the leading cap in NBA from 2010 to 2021, Serge Ibaka he will team up again with his former partner Kevin Durant and look for his second ring with the Brooklyn Nets.

Here the report;

In the past season, Serge Ibaka averages 15.4 points, 8.2 rebounds, 1.4 assists with 51% from the field and 38% from triple in NBA.

Ibaka He is 7’0 feet with 235 lbs, he has been a block champion twice in NBA , twice the best defensive five of the NBA And it’s in the process of having its thirteenth season.

The defensive scheme of the Networks it is extremely difficult, because now Serge Ibaka they will join Deadre Jordan and Jarret Allen, causing fear when a player tries to attack the circle.

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