Positive companions for Covid but asymptomatic: in front despite everything


Some health and socio-medical institutions employ their assistants who test positive for Covid-19 if they are asymptomatic. Although this decision is accepted at the institutional level, it is still considered unethical by healthcare professionals.

Note on visits and protective measures in aged care homes and USLD

Note from the Ministry of Solidarity and Health (dated 01/11/2020), relating to visits and protective measures in nursing homes for the elderly and in the USLD (Extract).

A note from the ministry on protection measures in medical-social institutions that welcome the elderly and an opinion issued by the HCSP in May, addressed to all health facilities, make us shiver.

And for good reason: the two writings recommend considering conservation with ” strengthening of precautionary and hygienic measures »The staff tested positive at Covid, if they are asymptomatic and not replaceable, so that the risk / benefit ratio is not unfavorable ”State the opinion of the HCSP.

Practically, ” this decision it is not part of the regional health agencies (ARS), but is specific to each facility, says Céline Laville, president of the National Nursing Coordination (CNI). However, there is nothing in the law that requires a caregiver to come to work if it turns out positive.

Ethics undermined

 Example of the center for the fight against cancer, Gustave Roussy (94).  A management note dated August 20, 2020 mentions that caregivers "PCR + irreplaceable and asymptomatic can continue their work "with preventive measures

Example of the center for the fight against cancer, Gustave Roussy (94). A management note dated 20 August 2020 mentions that PCR + “irreplaceable” and asymptomatic caregivers can continue their work “with preventive measures”.

In the two texts cited above, getting positive caregivers to work is the last resort. However, this raises important ethical questions.

I feel and understand this choice of managers who do not know how to manage the lack of staff, continues Céline Laville. On the other hand, I do not support her in any case, because in terms of safety towards patients and other caregivers, this decision is intolerable.. “

A number of CHUs and many small institutes and nursing homes apply this type of operation », Laments Thierry Amouroux, spokesman for the National Union of Nursing Professionals (SNPI).

Faced with such decisions, two levels of reaction are possible. ” Registered nurses generally appeal to trade unions to ensure that patients’ rights are respected, He explains. Because it is what it is! This measure taken by management is an ethical violation. It asks asymptomatic but contagious caregivers to turn into contaminating agents and endanger the lives of their already frail hospitalized patients who are therefore more at risk of developing the severe form of the disease.

For their part, trainees awaiting employment or a contract are under greater pressure because they are in a situation of social fragility. ” The impression of blackmail at work is real », Thierry Amouroux adds.

One of the protections could be to ask your doctor to stop work “, but it is easier to say when you are a keeper », He insists.

Don’t take any chances

Lucie, a nursing home nurse, reports that her institution’s management encouraged health care workers to take a screening test, which she did. ” But while waiting for the results, I was still asked to continue my work, trying to touch the patients as little as possible! So what’s the point of taking the test?

Lucie is not surprised by such directives from her management because there are five nurses practicing for 120 residents. ” But I don’t admit that we may be asked to continue working if we have any doubtshe admits. Anyway, if I tested positive, I would have gone to my family doctor to be arrested. I work with elderly, frail people and I don’t want to take risks. With my colleagues we all agree. ”

Laure martin

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