Apple M1’s Google Chrome performance revealed


Recently new ARM M1 based processorintroducing Applehas made a very ambitious entry into the market. The American tech giant ditches Intel processors both graphics and processor performance offered a very competitive product on the side. Furthermore, the M1 low energy consumption He can give despite having entered the classroom. In the latest tests, with Apple M1 Google Chrome speed it has also significantly increased.

Inside the M1 8 core the internal graphics unit also rivaled desktop graphics cards.

The speed of Google Chrome increases with the Apple M1

Although the Apple M1 is a fairly powerful processor, Bottom of the arm with all applications still. full compatibility she has not. However, recently, Google, Compatible version of Chrome for M1 published. Now when you want to download Google Chrome, Mac with Intel chip is Mac with Apple chip You will see two different download options. However, the required file size for M1 is 96 MB instead Increased to 165MB Pencil case.

Compared to the previous non-M1 specific version, Google Chrome ran slower on M1. But compatibility issue With the removal, there was a big increase in speed. Google Chrome with Apple M1 on average twice as fast works. In the resulting tests, Safari’s speed doesn’t go unnoticed.

Made by Ars Technica Speedometer 2.0 test for normal use test closer is described as. Tests on the Mac Mini revealed the closest results for the end user.

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