Two deaths … and 485 new cases of “Corona”


(KUNA) – The Ministry of Health announced today, Thursday, the registration of 485 new cases of the new Corona virus in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases registered in the country to 138,822, while two deaths have been recorded, bringing the total number of deaths recorded to date at 859 cases.

The “Health” confirmed that the number of people receiving medical care in intensive care units has reached 94 cases, making it the total number of all cases that have confirmed Corona disease and are still receiving medical care 7,537 cases needed.

And it indicated that the number of swabs performed in the past 24 hours reached 6758, bringing the total to 1035985 exams.

And the Ministry of Health announced today that 587 cases had recovered in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of recoveries to 130,426.

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