Onishchenko assessed the likelihood of an outbreak of another contagious disease due to a pandemic: Company: Russia: Lenta.ru


Deputy of the State Duma and former chief medical doctor Gennady Onishchenko assessed the likelihood of an outbreak of another contagious disease due to the coronavirus pandemic. RIA Novosti reports.

Onishchenko said interruptions in the vaccination process of children against measles due to the outbreak could lead to the outbreak of the disease. He noted that if infants are not vaccinated against measles for at least two consecutive years, this could cause the disease to spread. At the same time, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences recalled that when there was no measles vaccination, it was mainly children who were sick from the first year of life.

Previously, scientists from Melbourne’s Murdoch Children’s Research Institute predicted that a pandemic could lead to a measles outbreak. According to experts, the likelihood of a rapid spread of this acute infectious disease among children is influenced by factors such as lack of routine vaccination of children due to restrictive measures, an increase in the level of poverty, including due to a reduction in social assistance in many developing countries.

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