Spicy Conversation: Pocher settles accounts with Wendler and reports on the phone call


Laura Müller, Michael Wendler, Oliver and Amira Pocher performed together here. Bild: images imago / Future Image

Pocher talks about a spicy phone call with Wendler: “Hops and malt completely lost”

A few days ago, Michael Wendler spoke live on Instagram, once again made coarse claims about alleged election fraud in the United States and voiced questionable claims about the crown pandemic. As for the measures, he said that in his eyes they were to be equated with deprivation of liberty, the federal government would not have had good intentions with us. also he assumed that the new infection protection law will vaccinate anyone who can’t escape quickly enough.

The killer even claimed that if Trump hadn’t become president of the United States in 2016, a so-called false pandemic would have been declared much sooner. He also invited his viewers to take part in the Corona demo in Berlin, which took place on Wednesday. Many words, many speculations, no facts.

Oliver Pocher spoke on his latest podcast episode of Wendler’s dramatic development and revealed that he recently spoke to him on the phone. The conversation confirmed his attitude towards the singer, as Pocher himself says.

Oliver Pocher talks about Wendler’s latest development

First, Oliver Pocher said Michael Wender’s live stream was the most unpleasant of all time. “This was really embarrassing. You could see that something had improved because of something, regardless of whether he apologized to RTL or not.” Amira agreed: “It has gotten worse.” Then the comedian finally reveals: “I talked to him on the phone. I’ve already heard most of his troubles on the phone.” Pocher tried to come to America for the US elections and therefore wanted to meet with the Schlagerbarden. But it did not come to that.

The comedian explained to the conversation: “After this phone call I noticed that hops and malt were completely lost. He is very convinced of these things and now thinks he is the spearhead of German politics. Eliminate one Telegram scrap after another. Of Angela Merkel and Drosten, who will end up in prison sooner or later, or of his shit of Donald Trump. “The 27-year-old added ironically: “We are all prisoners.”

For Pocher it is incredible that he still thinks Donald Trump is or will remain the president of the United States of America:

“He lost the election. Everyone has noticed that, every political observer, every broadcaster, everyone knows that nothing will change there. He can complain as he likes. Complaints are rejected. Then it takes time. You can make it complicated. Donald Trump did it. voted out of office. However, over 70 million people voted for him. He will continue to be active on social media, but then he will simply no longer have attention because you only have him still shaking his head. “

Because Oliver Pocher had to take a stand on Wendler’s statements

At first, Pocher was amused by the recently released Wendler video, but then he got so angry that he found it necessary to dismantle the statements immediately. The reason: “There are still some people who watch it anyway.” And he adds: “Michael Wendler presents himself as a martyr. Everyone presents himself as a victim, according to the motto that they have eaten wisdom with a spoon. They know everything better. Why would a fucking Michael Wendler get exactly the information we don’t have? Stupid people. ” These people just need simple answers and conspiracy theories are, that’s a fact.

Finally, Pocher warned Wendler: “We are working on a vaccine. No one will have to be vaccinated, no one knows if the vaccine will work. We are on the right track because the whole world is doing research. But no one knows. How long it lasts. not even the dictatorship. All the things they say are wrong. And that’s what he says from America, where he is under surveillance, where the right is trampled on, where you are a completely transparent person. “ By the way, Amira said:

The comedian saw the same thing and it became even clearer: “Germany is still doing well in the world. Donald Trump is the only one who rules alone. But Michael Wendler lacks the intellectual substance. Unfortunately, that’s the way it is. Laura hasn’t said anything yet. “


According to Wendler’s statements: Laura Müller is apparently missing out on the RTL show

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