She recovered from COVID-19, but is still mortgaged


“I am in the statistics of the healed, but there are also the mortgaged, and we are numerous in titi”, murmurs Violaine Cousineau, unable to raise her voice, choked with shortness of breath.

• Read also: COVID-19 has changed their lives

• Read also: With severe side effects, he calls for caution

A 46-year-old mother of two and a French teacher at CEGEP, she describes herself as “extraordinarily fit before she had this damned virus”.

“I was sure if I was sick it would last 10 days and it would end there. I’m so healthy, “she continues.

He contracted COVID-19 in October, from his daughter, following an outbreak in his high school. A place where the Montrealer urges the government to introduce more measures.

For her major, the illness only looked like a cold. Violaine Cousineau, meanwhile, had a high fever, a strong cough, and other typical symptoms.

Not even hospitalized

And although she was bedridden for three days, unable to move, she didn’t need to be hospitalized. She did not go into a coma or have to be intubated to breathe.

“There was nothing serious in my case,” he says. And yet, six weeks after being officially cured of the coronavirus, she is far from getting rid of the after-effects.

Doctors told her she would have “weeks, weeks and weeks” to recover.

His faint stream of voice is very surprising. After only seven minutes on the phone with The newspaper, he had almost completely lost his voice, unable to continue.

“I guess my voice will come back at some point, I hope … But my lung capacity, I feel so damaged. I can’t imagine when I’ll be able to walk again for an hour. It’s very disabling,” he breathes.

For now he will be on sick leave until February. The time to pass “a battery of tests” to see if his organs are affected. She has already had a heart murmur that needs further investigation, she worries.

This is why he called on Quebec citizens to be cautious as the holiday season approaches in a video shared on Facebook.

“People may have a hard time making sacrifices for others… but cuddly, let them do it themselves. Otherwise, there are too many people who will be mortgaged, ”he fears.

Because his case is far from unique. But as he repeats, it is only part of the statistics of the people healed. Which doesn’t give a fair picture of the disease.

Violaine Cousineau | 46 years old

  • Reduced lung capacity
  • Heart murmur detected
  • Difficulty walking and talking
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