Totti won the fight against Covid-19 but speculates: “I was very ill” – Italy


The former legend of the Italian national team and the Roma warns about the dangers of the new coronavirus

Francesco Totti tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this month and is already recovered. The former Italian international has resorted to social media to alert society to the dangers of the new coronavirus.

“Hello everyone. As you know, in the last few weeks I was not doing well. Now I am better and healed, I can say that I had Covid and I was very sick. The fever did not go down, the oxygen saturation was going down and the strength was going down”, he made his debut for writing the Roma legend, on Instagram, which reveals that he has developed pneumonia. “The diagnosis was a blow to the heart: bilateral pneumonia. I was able to heal at home for 15 days thanks to the speed of diagnosis and I want to thank those who were close to me”, he added.

Despite the troubled moments Totti, who in October saw his father die a victim of Covid-19he says “Covid can be defeated with adequate precautions and indications”.

By André Antunes Pereira


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