An Established Link Between Alzheimer’s and Gut Microbes – La Nouvelle Tribune


Several European researchers and experts have found that there is indeed a cause and effect link between the gut microbiota and Alzheimer’s disease. A link already suspected within the scientific community, but Swiss and Italian researchers confirmed the information in an article published on November 10, in the “Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease”.

Indeed, according to the press, these scientists have indeed discovered a direct relationship between inflammation in the blood of people affected by this disease, various intestinal bacteria and, ultimately, the development of Alzheimer’s disease. A study conducted on 89 people, all between the ages of 65 and 85.

Significant progress has been made

In this panel, some people had Alzheimer’s, others were in good health. Early results actually suggest that the inflammation discovered is mediated to facilitate disease transmission and development, between the microbiota and the brain.

Alzheimer’s, better understood

Today, these findings therefore suggest that it will soon be possible to prevent Alzheimer’s and regulate the gut microbiota in patients at risk. However, this should only be useful and effective at a relatively early stage of the disease. While progress is substantial, it is clear that there is still a lot of work left.

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