Covid-19, dengue, malaria, king cobra bite: the misfortunes of a British man who has gone blind and paralyzed



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Sputnik France

Before losing sight and being paralyzed by a king cobra bite in India, a Briton suffered from Covid-19, malaria and dengue, Skynews says. He was placed in intensive care and his condition remains stable.

Stuck in India, a Brit survived Covid-19, malaria and dengue fever before being severely bitten by a king cobra in a village in the country’s northwest, Skynews reports.

The bite of this snake is usually fatal. The man ended up blind and paralyzed, indicates the British TV channel. He is currently in intensive care at an Indian hospital.

“When we learned that in addition to everything he had been through, he had also suffered a bite from a deadly snake, we honestly couldn’t believe it,” his son told Skynews.

According to him, his father is in a “stable” state despite paralyzed legs and blindness. His relatives hope these negative effects are temporary, he added.

The Englishman who works in the health field was unable to return home due to the pandemic. Affiliated to an association, he helped poverty stricken Indian artisans. A dish was launched by the social enterprise Sabirian in partnership with this association, to cover its employee’s medical expenses.

Deadly bite

Previously, a snake charmer died after being bitten by a king cobra in Indonesia. The drama took place during a street show. The five-meter long reptile twisted and bit him twice, hand and face. He was hospitalized two hours later. He was injected with anti-poison but later died.


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