the disease is linked to an imbalance of the intestinal flora


New evidence of the close relationship between the health of our gut flora and that of our brain, researchers have shown that Alzheimer’s disease is in fact linked to an imbalance in our microbiota.

The development of Alzheimer’s disease is well linked to a specific imbalance of the gut microbiota. This confirmation comes to us from Switzerland and Italy but several studies had already noted this correlation between degenerative disease and our intestinal flora.

In this study, published November 10 on Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, scientists have specifically demonstrated an inflammatory phenomenon found in the blood of people with Alzheimer’s disease. By studying 89 people between the ages of 65 and 85, some with the disease and some not, they showed that this inflammation in patients could act as a “mediator” between the microbriot and the brain.

Soon a cocktail to rebalance the microbiota and prevent Alzheimer’s disease?
These findings are important in Alzheimer’s disease research. They make it possible, explains a press release from the University of Geneva, “to consider new preventive strategies based on modulating the microbiota of people at risk. However, ” taking a cocktail to restore the balance of the gut microbiota or products to feed the good bacteria would only be effective at a very early stage of the disease “It therefore remains to develop protocols that make it possible to identify people at high risk and treat them well before the onset of detectable symptoms”.

It is not the first time that the link between the microbiota and Alzheimer’s disease has been studied. Other research had shown an alteration in the patients’ microbiota or a high level of inflammatory gut bacteria. However, the proteins produced by these bacteria are suspected to modify the interaction between the immune system and the nervous system.

225,000 new Alzheimer’s patients are detected in France every year. Although the origin of the disease is still unknown, considerable progress has been made, particularly in the progression of lesions in the heart of the brain. They cause memory loss, speech disorders, mood swings, dexterity and recognition disorders, as well as depression, sleep and appetite disturbances, delusions …

Read also: Alzheimer’s: the plague could favor the development of the disease

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