PS5: coil whine & hum – users complain of annoying noises


PS5: coil whine & hum - users complain of annoying noises

After the Asian and North American launches of PlayStation 5 last week, Thursday yesterday was the turn of local players.

While most gamers are completely satisfied with the hardware and especially praised the PS5’s quiet operation, Sony’s new console appears to have minor teething problems, which are mostly noticeable in annoying noises. Among other things, those affected complain of a clearly audible hum, hum or whine, which can seriously interrupt the fun of the game.

The extent of the problems is not yet clear

At the moment it is not possible to estimate how widespread these problems are. In a video, the Youtuber “Dr. Unboxing ”, however, points out that the disturbing noises were not an isolated case, at least for him. After his first PlayStation 5 struggled with annoying fan noise, he managed to protect multiple PS5 consoles.

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According to “Dr. Unboxing”, all consoles he tested suffered from more or less annoying noises, be it vibrations, coil whine or clearly audible fan noises. The attached video provides more details on this topic. Other users also complain annoying coil whine and even noisy consoles.

Worst case scenario, contact Sony support

At this point it should be noted that you do not have to fear a defect of your console in case of coil whine. Instead, it is part of most electronic devices and is not the result of a potential hardware failure. In most cases, however, the sound is simply not heard. It sounds different if you hear a hiss, click, or similar unusual noises.

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In this case, you should contact Sony’s official support for advice on further steps or to send a possibly defective console for an exchange. You can find official PlayStation support here.

The PS5 is now available in two different versions. The classic model is offered for 499.99 euros. Added to this is the digital edition, which costs 399.99 euros and does not have the optical drive.

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