How to know if your nails need a break from polish or gel


If we love something in life, it is doing it ourselves manicure and paint the file nail with the colors and design of the season, because yes our hands are great, but if we overdo it we probably will our nails ask for help with some signs that tell us they need a break of unstoppable appointments in that nail studio where everyone goes.

It must be said that the procedures that damage the nails the most are those involving acrylics, gels, abrasive glues and excessive filing, and if they are performed too frequently the nails are severely damaged. Then we tell you what are the cries for help of your nails so that you give them a break.

Brittle and Brittle Nails: It’s one of the first signs you haven’t stopped with peanut in a long time. As you know, many applications require filing of the nail, this in itself is intentional damage for the glue to adhere better, so at least 15 days must pass between appointments for the nails to recover and not weaken. On these off days, you can apply a strengthener so they are hardy and grow quickly.

1. Stains on the nails

Nail polishes and some products contain solvents that can stain or discolour some parts of the aEven if some residues of gel or glue are not removed well, they can turn into a stain. The best thing in these cases is that after removing some nail polish, you treat your nails with a treatment based on essential oils that remove any residue and at the same time nourish them.


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