Study: Excessive Egg Consumption and Its Relation to Diabetes


Jeddah – Walaa Haddad

Tuesday 17 November 2020 – 6.00 pm

Eggs are one of the main varieties in many countries of the world, and are often eaten in the morning during breakfast, and doctors have always warned against excessive consumption of them due to the damage to health, in terms of its relationship with cholesterol. high harmful, and here’s a new study confirming it and linking it with diabetes, so how that?

Excessive egg consumption increases the risk of developing diabetes

Eggs and diabetes:

New research from the University of South Australia has shown that excessive egg consumption can increase the risk of developing diabetes, as the longitudinal study, conducted in collaboration with China Medical University for more than 18 years, is the first to evaluate the consumption of eggs in a large sample of Chinese adults.

It was found that people who consumed one or more eggs a day equal to 50 grams increased their risk of developing diabetes by 60%.

Damage to eggs:

The prevalence of diabetes worldwide is a growing concern, said epidemiologist and public health expert, Dr Ming Li of the University of South Australia, noting that diet is a known and modifiable factor contributing to the onset of diabetes. type 2 diabetes, so understanding the combination of factors Diet that can affect the greater spread of the disease is important.

The study leader pointed out: “What we found is that long-term high egg consumption of more than 38 grams per day increased the risk of diabetes among adults by about 25 percent.” Furthermore, adults who regularly eat a lot of eggs exceed 50 grams. “Or the equivalent of one egg per day, they have a 60% higher risk of developing diabetes. The effect was also more pronounced in women than in men.”

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