The controversy continues over the alleged clashes in the locker room of the Colombian team


Javier Hernández Bonnet ensured he had evidence of the clashes within the Colombian team after communications from James Rodríguez and the Colombian team.
Javier Hernández Bonnet ensured he had evidence of the clashes within the Colombian team after communications from James Rodríguez and the Colombian team.

The humiliating victory the Colombia team received in Ecuador has left fractures and many rumors. Last November 18, journalist Javier Hernández Bonnet revealed that, according to sources inside the same selected team, a fight would have further broken the relationship between the players.

The communicator assured in his Radio Blu program ‘Sports Blog ” who did some serious detective work in which he learned of an episode of fistfighting in the locker room.

“There are groups that face each other within the national team. There have been episodes whose protagonists have managed to fall apart within the Colombian national team “the station reporter said.

In the afternoon of this Thursday, James Rodríguez himself released a statement via his Twitter account:

I decline any kind of alleged information that alludes to mistreatment, aggression, controversy or any kind of dispute raised between players and in which I am mentioned as a protagonist, ”the team midfielder said in his statement.

The Colombian Football Association has also spoken out against the news of discord in the locker rooms of the Colombian team and He said that although the players took a strong emotional blow from the defeats against Uruguay and Ecuador, no clashes were reported between them.

“We want to emphasize that during the 12 days of concentration, an atmosphere of cordiality, camaraderie and friendship was maintained between all members of the Colombian national team, as was characteristic”, assured the federation.

A few minutes after the statements were made known, Bonnet told Blu Radio that he pointed out that James spoke about the situation, but assured that his statements are true:

“It will have to prove in reality, prove that this did not exist, because there are very serious testimonies that we keep in the face of such sensitive news”, confirmed the journalist.

The communicator said he has not disclosed the names involved out of respect at the moment, but that, citing James, “he has every right to make any claims, be it personal, friendly or legal.”

Additionally, Bonnet said he has a way to back up the information he provided to Colombians:

“The testimonials are in chat, I have them in chat. I have no problems, I have no problems ”, he confirmed.

Hernández Bonnet was the first to refer to the question days ago on his radio program. “The fact is recognized, but not the names. There was a player who stamped another, both of international level in this double round of Qualifiers ”.

Later, in ‘The firefly ‘ from Caracol Radio, journalist María Alejandra Villamizar provided more information on the comparison, based on data she says was provided by a source within the team.

According to the journalist, the clash did not take place in Ecuador but in Barranquilla and was between James Rodríguez and Jefferson Lerma.

“They had already fought in Barranquilla. James in Barranquilla had joined Lerma and Dávinson Sánchez. When Queiroz scolded them, they said: “We give up and we don’t worry”, more or less., assured the journalist in the first part of her speech.

Rodríguez, who is in England, has announced that he could take legal action and the dispute does not appear to be over.

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