You can still get so much for your old Playstations


If you want to (sell) PS1, P2, PS3 or PS4 online, you should know how much used devices are still worth.
If you want to (sell) PS1, P2, PS3 or PS4 online, you should know how much used devices are still worth.

With the PS5, Sony has now launched the fifth PlayStation on the market. Since it also supports almost all PS4 games thanks to backward compatibility, many fans want to sell their old used consoles. Still others are looking for PS2 or PS3 devices to complete their collection.

GamePro asked for announcements on ebayhow much are used consoles still worth and how much you can or must pay for them.

This is what PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 resale value looks like on eBay listings today

Thanks to a detailed list and evaluation of the ebay announcements of the used goods transfer point it’s easy to see how much individual consoles are worth when used. Of course, different details are important:

  • What condition?
  • Which version?
  • Original packaging?
  • What kind of accessories are included?
  • Everything works?

Certain collectibles, special editions and limited editions are obviously exceptions and can reach particularly high prices. Of course, the opposite applies to damaged and no longer functioning devices, although some hobbyists may be happy here.

Kurioser curiosity: Since the PS5 doesn’t fit IKEA’s Kallax shelf, the press release from ebay’s announcements on the subject of consoles points this out again. If you want to sell the shelf for this reason, you can get an average of around 35 euros.

These are the average prices old Playstations still reach when used:

  • PlayStation 4: The 500 GB version varies depending on the conditions and costs between 90 and 300 euros. On average, the used PS4 changes hands for around 185 euros.
  • PlayStation 3: The PS3 costs between 29 and 299 euros, depending on its condition. On average, there are still 100 euros.
  • PlayStation 2: The PS2 is usually available from 12 to 250 euros, depending on the condition of the device. Usually the average price is 50 euros.
  • PlayStation 1: The PSOne usually costs between 12 and 170 euros, but on average, like the PS2, it costs 50 euros at the virtual and private counter.

Note: that’s probably not enough to fund a new PlayStation 5. However, you can get lucky and make someone else happy with older hardware. All the important information on the PS5 launch that was released yesterday can be found here in our extensive Gamepro overview on the subject.

What about you guys? Do you keep your old consoles or do you sell them?

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