“World Health” warns of imminent danger in the next nine months


Regional Director of the Health Organization in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Dr Ahmed Al-Mandhari, said that the Eastern Mediterranean region has reported more than 3.6 million cases of Coronavirus COVID-19 out of 55 million cases in Worldwide. These are the cases reported by the ministries of health to the World Health Organization, and usually include severe cases that are received by hospitals

He added during his review of the regional and global developments of the Coronavirus pandemic,

“We believe the actual number of confirmed cases across the region is higher and recent trends are still deeply concerning, as is the case in Europe and the Americas.

While three countries have reported more than 60% of all cases in the past week – namely Iran, Jordan and Morocco – several other countries are still seeing an increase in the number of cases, including Lebanon and Pakistan. Among the countries that recorded the greatest increase in deaths were Jordan, Tunisia and Lebanon.

The international official stressed that: “It is too early to say that this epidemic is seasonal. We have time to study the pattern of spread of the disease and its transformation, and as for vaccines, there are currently about 4 types from states. United States of America, China and Great Britain, but as the World Health Organization we have not yet received an official registration with any of these vaccines through the so-called “Kovacs” platform, but they are working, as mentioned during previous meetings, at various research centers, manufacturers, supporting countries and partners, in order to provide the approval of vaccines that go through clinical and preclinical studies through the Covid – 19 platform “.

Regarding the vaccines that have been announced and their safety, and the publication of news about their availability and marketing in the countries, Al-Manzari said: “I confirm that countries around the world have not authorized any of these vaccines before making sure. of their safety and the safety of vaccines and vaccines across the systems in place in various countries, so we have heard that the data on these four Vaccines are safe, but there are other steps that manufacturers must adhere to with the countries they have been in. these vaccines are produced and with the countries that will purchase them.These vaccines must be registered and the data on these experiments and research should be reviewed in order to really ensure the safety of each vaccine in the medium and long term.

The risk of the next nine months

“More than 3 million people have been infected and 76,000 people have died in our region during the first nine months of the outbreak, and the lives of a similar number – if not more – could be at risk in the next nine months.” he said.

And he added: “We must prevent this tragic obsession from becoming a reality, and we must also address the cracks that have appeared in health systems to prevent this from happening again.”

The vaccine is not a panacea

The international official stressed: “Recent news about the possibility of providing one or more vaccines against Covid-19 gives us a glimmer of hope, but the vaccine is not a magical solution to ending this pandemic. There is still the risk of the virus spreading from people carrying it to others until everyone gets the vaccine. Effective. “

He added that although preventive measures, including the use of masks, are not fully applied in our region. People do not strictly observe physical distances, and in many countries we are seeing a worrying deterioration in adherence to these and other public health measures. Countries may have to make tough decisions and apply tougher measures to ensure their populations adhere to proven measures.

He continued: “This is not the time to relax. The lessons learned from Asia, where the number of COVID-19 infections is steadily decreasing, tell us that strengthening public health measures and community participation are the more effective way to contain the spread of the virus “.

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