Do you use this app on Android? It is best to remove it now to maintain privacy


One of the great advantages of Android is that it allows users to change all native apps with any installed. Obviously, this point also often turns out to be one of the weaknesses of the Google system itself.

The proof of this is now a new situation that has been discovered. There is another app that does not respect the privacy of users and treats the data that are entrusted to them indifferently and without any level of protection, being certainly accessible to anyone.

Privacy security Android GO SMS Pro app

Another security breach on Android

This is another anomalous situation which is exposing Android user data. It has now been found that the GO SMS Pro app has unusual behavior and exposes user data. This is one of the most used apps in the Google system, with over 100 million installs.

The problem detected is divided into several critical areas, which once accumulated make this app above all a real headache for users. First, all files shared in Android messages are sent to the internet.

Privacy security Android GO SMS Pro app

GO SMS Pro does not respect privacy

These are then converted into a remote access link for easy access. Even in situations where GO SMS Pro is used by both users, this behavior exists. In this particular case, the contents are displayed as well as the link created.

In addition to this unnecessary shipping and storage, there is, however, another major flaw in Android. The calculation of these links is simple and access to them has no control or even authentication. Just generate a link and access to a third party file is guaranteed.

Privacy security Android GO SMS Pro app

App developers ignore the problem

This bug was reported to the team developing GO SMS Pro in August of this year. From what emerged, this defect was simply ignored and no action was taken to fix it or change its behavior.

This is further proof that apps that seem the most capable aren't always the safest on Android. The focus on different features often leads to overlooking the essential details of security and privacy.

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