Half of Child Psychiatrists Surveyed Say Patients Suffer from Environmental Anxiety | Young people


More than half of child and adolescent psychiatrists in England see patients concerned about the state of the environment, a survey revealed.

The results showed that the climate crisis is putting a strain on the mental health of young people. Observed levels of eco-anxiety were significantly higher among young people than in the general population, according to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, which has just launched its first resources to help children and their parents cope with fears of environmental degradation.

In a survey of its members working in the NHS in early September, the organization asked, “In the past year have you seen patients who are distressed by environmental and ecological issues?”

Of the child and adolescent psychiatrists in England, 57.3% (47 of the 82 who responded) answered affirmatively. This was nearly 10 points higher than respondents dealing with all age groups, at 47.9% (264 out of 551).

The sample size is small and will need to be verified by more detailed research, but the professionals in the field said the results were in line with their experience.

Bernadka Dubicka, chair of the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said younger generations are growing up with a constant background of understandable fear and concern for the planet’s future. Along with social media pressures, misinformation doubts and now Covid-19 and the economic crisis, he said he was putting a strain on the mental health of young people.

“A whole new set of problems has emerged in recent years. These are all things that young people have to deal with, things that affect their future, ”said the psychiatrist, who has been in the camp for 25 years.

He stressed that concern for the environment is natural, but taken to extremes, it could trigger or increase other mental health problems.

“We don’t want to pathologize a normal response. But eco-anxiety can turn into something unhealthy. If a child already has mental health problems, this could aggravate some of those worries and anxieties. If a parent sees changes in a child, for example, more introverted, not sleeping or not eating, it is important that they seek help. “

This year the organization has focused more on the issue. The ecological crisis was a central theme of its annual conference and this will be followed by a series of actions and events, including an upcoming public statement and a call for further research.

He compiled a list of signs of eco-distress – low mood, helplessness, anger, insomnia, panic, and guilt – and proposed strategies to prevent these feelings from becoming overwhelming.

Advise parents to listen and explain to children that such environmental concerns make sense and are a sign of being caring. They recommend spending time in nature as a family and working on actions that could help – individually by reducing travel or meat consumption – or as part of a group.

A former patient, Rhiannon, 19, said that at the low point of about three years ago she would be worried when on a plane that her flight alone could lead to the collapse of the atmosphere. “It was very extreme,” he recalled. “I was already being treated by a psychiatrist for anxiety caused by other causes. The environment has perpetuated it. “

Today he has a more balanced view. He still goes to great lengths to reduce his impact by eating vegan food, buying secondhand clothes, and walking or cycling as much as possible, but he realizes that one person’s actions alone cannot tip the balance. Although she remains concerned, she blames herself less.

“I know there will be limits to what I can do in the future depending on what is happening now in terms of politics and the environment. This does not lead to anxiety, but to frustration that politicians do not listen enough to young people. Politicians should have a more comprehensive approach, and then general anxiety would decrease. “

Jenny Thatcher, director of the Friends of the Earth youth program, said her organizations have seen an increase in environmental awareness and concern among young people. This was especially true among those who had been directly affected by fires or floods. But he said anxiety could be a stimulus for positive action among young people.

“Without underestimating mental health, the feeling that you can do something and be an active agent can help keep anxiety at bay. After all, it is their future, and feeling anxious seems like a reasonable and logical response to what is happening in the world. We have certainly seen a huge desire to organize collectively and actually tackle the climate crisis, which gives everyone cause for hope. So, even if the figures in this report may be worrying, young people are certainly the first to lead by example. “

Climate strain on mental well-being is a growing concern. The problems were initially evident among those on the front lines – climate scientists, researchers and activists – some of whom sought psychological help to deal with a flurry of negative results. Since then, there have been reports of young children worried about global warming and parents asking for advice on how to answer questions about existential threats. Several groups have been created to provide support.

Paul Hoggett, the editor of Climate Psychology: On Indifference to Disaster, noted that concern about the climate is lower among older and less educated people. “Climate change and environmental destruction threaten us with powerful feelings – loss, guilt, anxiety, shame, despair – that are difficult to defeat and mobilize defenses such as denial and distortion, which can undermine our ability to cope with question”.

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