Compare Digital Foundry Assassin’s Creed Valhalla no PS5 com or Xbox Series X


According to a new analysis from Digital Foundry, both next-generation versions of the game suffer from screen tearing, often during cutscenes, but sometimes during gameplay as well, although the Xbox Series X version suffers much more.

The PS5 version also has a more consistent frame rate than the Xbox Series X, the publication says.

The main conclusion is that the PlayStation 5 is much closer to the 60fps target most of the time, while the Xbox Series X may struggle. In fact, at worst, we noticed that the PS5 offers a performance advantage of 15% over the Microsoft console in identical scenarios.

I would describe the PS5 version as a practically stable 60fps experience with occasional small dips – the kind of thing you’d expect on consoles. The X Series definitely needs some tweaking, because if you’re playing on a regular screen, screen tearing is a big distraction.

Monitors that support variable refresh rate (VRR) solve the problem of screen tearing.

But the problem is, you obviously can’t expect people to invest in a new display just to solve problems like this. This is still the developer’s job. The work needs to be done because the vast majority of people will play without VRR and suffer a lot of snags.

The performance difference between the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions is perhaps somewhat surprising, given that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla was one of the most important games in Microsoft’s console marketing.

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