iPhone 12 gives users a headache. Hundreds of people are facing an unexpected problem


Even though it costs $ 1,000, the iPhone 12 isn’t without its problems. More users are complaining about the viewing network.

A new year, other problems. Apple is enjoying a huge demand for the iPhone 12, but now it has other headaches. Hundreds of users complain on the Reddit platform about a display problem on new models. The display sometimes takes on a strange tone or starts to flash randomly.

“Just as I was preparing to sell my phone to get an iPhone 12,” says one user. “I thought I was crazy, I had it from day one,” complains another. “Apple needs to solve this problem,” is the general conclusion.

Apple is already aware of the problem. According to MacRumors, Apple has announced in stores that it will not allow devices to be sent in for this issue. Which suggests the problem is software-related and can be fixed with an update that Apple is working on.

“This situation puts those who have this problem in a dilemma because you are stuck with this phone until the solution comes, if it comes. Apple has not publicly confirmed, it has been discussed internally. The good news is that if you have this problem. , you should know that they are investigating the situation, “says Sam Kohl, technical youtuber.

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