walking the dog would greatly increase the risk of infection


Focus on a coronavirus study today, which reveals how walking your dog can increase the risk of contamination.

Among the multitude of research published on Covid-19, of which many are still unknown, a very serious study has caught our attention!

The latter, conducted by Spanish researchers, shows that dog owners run a higher risk of contracting the disease by walking with the animal.

Published in the journal “Environmental Research”, this study analyzed the various cases of contamination observed in 2,086 people residing in Spain, between March and May 2020, a period that coincides with the confinement of the Iberians.

Photo credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock

The risk of contracting the virus increases by 78% when walking the dog

After questioning each of the participants, the scientists were able to identify the riskiest activities, at least those in which the people who had been infected were most often involved.

And there is surprise! It was found that the risk of contracting the virus increased by 78% when you … took your dog for a walk.

Yes, you read that right!

How to explain such a conclusion? Difficult to say, but some hypotheses are still advanced.

It could be, for example, that dog owners are perhaps less respectful of barrier gestures, due to proximity and habits with their pet.

The fact of handling everyday objects intended for the dog and which would not be disinfected permanently could also explain this.

As for whether man’s best friend could be a carrier and therefore a carrier of the virus, several scientists have shown that pets, on the other hand, run a minimal risk of infection.

Finally, this Spanish study – which didn’t focus solely on dog owners – also revealed that the riskiest business was delivering groceries to the home.

This would actually increase the risk of infection by 94%.

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