RTL 5minutes – European Testing Week: 49 new HIV infections in 2019 in Luxembourg


The AIDS Monitoring Committee released its latest activity report Thursday. The number of new infections remained stable compared to 2018.

While the number of people recently included in the National Infectious Diseases Service (SNMI) for an HIV infection has risen slightly, from 91 in 2018 to 96 in 2019, the number of new infections is the same from year to year. . 49 new infections were counted among the 96 people recently followed for their HIV infection in Luxembourg.

The number of heterosexual transmissions is slightly higher than that of homosexual or bisexual transmissions. New infections are decreasing in women, while they are increasing in men.

Despite the introduction of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in 2017 in Luxembourg, no significant reduction in new infections by homo or bisexual contamination was observed (22 identified in 2019 and 2018 compared to 15 in 2017). PrEP is a drug treatment that prevents HIV infection in negative people.

As specified by the Supervisory Committee in its press release, “the epidemic among drug addicts has effectively been stopped since 2018 “. Only three cases of HIV infections through drug use were identified among people recently included in the SNMI in 2019. These were infections prior to 2019.

These figures remind us that HIV and AIDS are still very much present and that it is important to be vigilant.

European Screening Week, which aims to promote spontaneous screening, starts on Friday and runs until 27 November.

More information on the website www.aids.lu.

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