George Burcea, abolished after the Farm. The star reacted hard, live on Pro TV


George Burcea met Viviana Sposub in the PRO TV show “Ferma”. Although separated from his ex-wife, Andreea Bălan, but not quite contract free, he was harshly criticized by some for falling in love, especially in a context that can be described as unfavorable, at least for the two pigeons. Even so, the protagonists of the love story appreciated what fate gave them, leaving aside the cameras and making declarations of love. The honey also flowed after Andreea Antonescu, the friend of his ex-wife, came to the show, who kept a distance from the actor in the house, but not to the testimonies, where she shot some arrows. She did the same today, in the “La Măruță” plateau, where she was invited to talk about relationships in “Fermă”.

Andreea Antonescu, on the progress of things in “Fermă”. “How is George Burcea?”

Andreea Antonescu, Andreea Bălan’s bandmate, was the penultimate of the contestants who participated in the competition “Farm: Orășeni vs. Villagers”. The singer was not welcomed with open arms by those who were already in the competition, much less by George Burcea, to whom they tied her for a few moments. Despite the fact that the two didn’t interact too much on set, the soloist spoke harshly about the actor in interviews offered for the show.

“I knew from the beginning that it would be a delicate situation between us because I will always be on Andrea’s side. My relationship with George was good up to a certain point, when I went to Andreea, he was there and talked. At the Farm the relationship will be collegial, if I feel that I need your help, of course I will ask you, or if I can help, I will do it without thinking about it.

We cannot talk about friendship in this reality show, because Andreea was, is and will be part of my family! But surely there will be other people on the farm to befriend “, declares the artist.

Later, the words, albeit few, rolled over, outlining before the audience a piece of contempt that they convey to each other.

“I’m not in a relationship and I don’t want that. I always try to detach myself from evil and evil people. If we work together on some projects, I will treat everything professionally and nothing more,” George Burcea said after “Stop”.

“I thought I knew him, but look …”

Now Andreea Antonescu has also left the competition, but it seems that the bitterness towards the actor has remained. Invited to “La Măruță” to talk about relationships in “Fermă”, the star said she didn’t expect it to be that difficult in terms of communication. Instead, when asked if George Burcea is a “cool guy”, she replied that he too was a surprise, believing she knew him until he saw himself in this context.

“I didn’t expect the relationship with some people to be so complicated. I talked to Andreea Bălan about” Ferma “.

“But who are you with, on the other side?” Viviana is very dear to me. I know Viviana. He came and interviewed me, told me he had also been to our band’s concerts. I thought I knew George, but look, it’s a surprise, ”Andreea Antonescu told PRO TV.

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