We will move on to the phase of choosing who lives and who dies


CANADA NEWS – As the second wave of Coronavirus continues to grow in most of Canada, hospital beds are starting to fill with patients and the healthcare system is under increasing stress.

Doctors warn that if this trend continues, healthcare workers will soon have to make tough decisions in central care units about who will live and who will die.

The impact of the Coronavirus on Canadian health systems varies, with cities and communities under greater pressure than others such as Quebec and Manitoba.

For example, the local Steinbach-Manitoba hospital is so crowded with Corona patients that nurses are treating some patients in their cars for lack of space inside the emergency room!

Over the weekend, Dr. Teresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer, warned that the number of recently recorded Corona cases indicates that state hospitals may soon reach their capacity.

“This situation puts pressure on local health resources as hospitals are forced to make tough decisions to cancel surgeries,” he said.

Since the outbreak began, 18,304 Corona patients have been hospitalized and 3,724 patients have been hospitalized in intensive care units across the country.

Between October 27 and November 3, the number of hospital beds occupied by coronavirus patients increased from 952 to 1,114, and the Canadian Ministry of Health also reported that the number of ICU beds increased from 228 to 235.

But hospitalization rates are still much lower than in the first wave of the epidemic.

The regions with the highest hospitalization rates are: Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.

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