Marketing like a wolf in sheep’s clothing – Comunidade Cultura e Arte


Today we woke up to our Instagram flooded with Dodot shares. The video was about World Premature Day, showed the image of several premature babies still in incubators and with a song to accompany our more sentimental side. Nothing bad so far, of course. The problem? Dodot asked to share the video in Instagram stories identifying the brand and for each action a euro will be donated to XXS – Portuguese Association for Supporting Premature Children, up to a maximum of ten thousand euros. That is, even if the brand reaches an absurdly higher number of shares, the limit will always be ten thousand euros to donate. As of this writing, the Dodot video has over a million views and over two hundred thousand likes.

The gesture is beautiful and I have nothing against charitable initiatives – although I prefer a welfare model to a voluntary one – but is it innocent? It is a campaign that lasts a month (from November 17 to December 17) but which immediately puts a ceiling on the amount it is willing to donate. We are talking about a brand that has no obligation to do so, it is true, but that belongs to the Procter & Gamble group, with leading products in different sectors, where one of them, Gillette, has signed a seven million contract with the player. . Neymar for advertising campaigns. I do not comment on the disparity of values, because Dodot is under no obligation to make any donation, but allows me to remove all innocence from it.

There would be several alternatives. The first thing that comes to mind, I confess, is part of my ideal: they could have given without saying anything to anyone. Simply this. Dodot is a more than established brand in the market and ten thousand euros are absolutely residual. If they wanted to give it, if there was that real desire, let them give it. Just that. The second would be to donate and say it later, without asking for sharing. The gesture is beautiful, it would not depend on third parties and the message has passed. The empathy that the brand wants to generate with this campaign would also grow in this format. And then, let us ask ourselves to what extent we can really talk about giving. We are asked for a consideration whose value for the brand will be much higher than what they are willing to “donate”. Now, if we are used, we and our entire network of contacts and people that we reach as a sharing network and free advertising space, to what extent is this a simple donation?

They received cheap advertisements where we were their agents and where they used our “ad” space for a purpose that is far from as beautiful and good-natured as it first appears. It is the use of marketing as a wolf in sheep’s clothing and the victims were all of us. History is a very cheap campaign with enormous results. And we were part of it. Alternatively, I leave the XXS site directly here, for those who want to make a donation. I guarantee you that if you don’t ask for odds in return it will be a much purer gesture. And sharing the campaign in stories doesn’t hurt, it just shows we’re empathic beings. Dodot took advantage of it.

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