Goodbye, dear Olteanu Matei! Stage colleagues, including Maia Morgenstern and Alexandru Arsinel, mourn the loss of the actress


Dear Olteanu Matei entered the angel scene and played a masterful role in Heaven. The actress left us at the age of 87. Dear Olteanu was hospitalized in very serious condition, on November 13, with a digestive haemorrhage.

The actress has starred in over 90 films, 50 plays and 100 television roles. Perhaps his best known role was Veta, in Nea Marin Billionaire.

Dear Olteanu Matei fell in love with Piatra Neamţ, where he retired after retirement and founded the theater company Teatrul Vostru. Piatra Neamţ’s theater bears his name.

His stage colleagues mourn his passing. Alexandru Arşinel says that now one of the greatest artists is disappearing …

I was playing in Plojniţa and in the end it was my turn to clap. I was dating her, at one point and in her generosity, she went out once and then she didn’t want to and said Come out, it’s your show, it’s your credit. A rarer thing for artists “.

Actress Maia Morgenstern says Draga Olteanu Matei strongly influenced her in her artistic destiny.

“When we went to Piatra Neamţ, in the last years of his reign on earth, he was at our shows, he was interested, committed and channeled all his energies to give, to be with the young and very young bands.”

The artistic activity of the Madonna has also been recognized through numerous awards and decorations. In 2002 she was awarded the National Order of the Star of Romania in the rank of Knight. In March 2010 he received the Gopo Prize for his entire career and in 2014 he was awarded the Order of the Romanian Crown in the rank of Officer.

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