They destroy Carolina Sandoval with criticism for her peculiar Christmas tree (+ PHOTO)


Carolina Sandoval set up her own Christmas tree, however she was attacked by criticism.

The famous entertainer of Venezuelan origin Carolina sandoval, decided this weekend to set up his own Christmas tree and surprise his thousands of fans with his incredible decoration.

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The Venezuelan journalist shared several images on Instagram Monday in which she boasts her spectacular Christmas creation accompanied by her decorator, Alex Sánchez.

“I swear to you that none of the photos you see here were the official photo of my 2020 Christmas tree, but I needed to show you in pictures the complicity I have with this beautiful wizard and that made him my friend a few years ago. Christmas trees, balls and stars “The businesswoman also wrote alongside the snapshots.

The host did not leave anyone indifferent to her tree, so the reactions of her more than 2.5 million followers did not wait.

“I thought it was strawberries and avocados hahaha”, said a follower.

“But the tree where that is you can’t see”added another netizen.

“And I thought it couldn’t be more ordinary”, I assure another.

“So much luxury to impress those who are vanity”the next user answered.

“I keep my $ 100 tree without losing the essence and true feeling of Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ”someone else said.

Vzla gossip writing.

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