Microsoft Edge begins receiving new Fluent Design icons


At Microsoft they are looking to unify the design of all their products under the umbrella of Fluent Design, their new design line. The browser is an important part of Windows 10, which is why Microsoft Edge tried to adopt these schemes as soon as possible. Remember that the application icon was one of the first to be designed by Microsoft Design following these guidelines.

However, the icons used in the browser looked a bit dated. The reason is that the iconography still used MDL2, released in 2014. However, Microsoft Edge will be one of the first applications to use Fluent Design icons. These lines, adapted to the 2020 conventions, will be progressively incorporated into the browser.

Microsoft Edge will be one of the first apps to adopt Fluent Design icons

The Microsoft application started with the first of two renewal phases. This first “facelift” it will affect the interfaces most used by users: tabs, address bar and navigation icons. Additionally, Fluent Design iconography will appear in some other menus, although not fully extended.

The developers of the browser indicate that the main goal is to start modernizing the user interface. In addition, the new icons provide a better unification experience between devices, as they will also reach MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android. Additionally, we will see this unification alongside other Microsoft 365 products to increase consistency.

Before and After tab icon in Microsoft Edge thanks to Fluent Design

In the second phase, the browser team will bring these efforts to the rest of the application, including development tools and the extension experience. This way, all icons will be unified in the Microsoft Edge environment under the Fluent Design umbrella.

Finally, they mention that in the coming months they will focus on “exploring ways to create more beautiful, expressive and exciting browsing experiences for users.” In these words, we can see that Fluent Design will continue to go beyond iconography to modernize the browser and give it a new design.

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