Prince Charles risks never becoming king! The reason is not the queen


The queen has reached a venerable age and sooner or later the inevitable will happen. Normally, after his death, his son, Prince Charles, should become king, except that experts are of a different opinion.

Although he was Prince of Walles and heir to the crown for more than 50 years, Charles may never ascend the throne. Prince Charles’s future is not so certain, says Robert Lacey, a writer who has headed the royal family for years.

According to Lacey, the British could oppose Charles’s coronation and demand that Prince William take the place of the queen upon her death. Although Prince Charles has always tried to fulfill his obligations as heir apparent, the British never seem to have forgiven him for the failure of his marriage to Princess Diana and his relationship with Camilla.

The memory of Princess Diana, an obstacle for Prince Charles

“I wouldn’t be surprised if the British decide – in five or six years, if the queen is still alive – that they don’t particularly want King Charles III.”

The expert claims that many of the monarchy’s supporters have turned against Prince Charles’ current wife since the 1980s and 1990s, given her role in dissolving Charles’s marriage to Lady D, which can be a big deal. .

“Why should we have a Queen Camilla?” Why should we glorify this relationship, which in the 1980s and 1990s brought so much unhappiness to the young princes who have now come to live on opposite sides of the world? “

The expert argues that the late Princess of Wales also plays a role in this antipathy to Charles and Camilla. In 1995, a year before Charles’ divorce, Princess Diana complained in an interview with Martin Bashir for BBC Panorama that there were three people in her marriage.

The tragic disappearance of the princess and the fact that Prince Charles and Camilla made their relationship public in 1999, just two years after Diana’s tragic death, only reinforced the resentments of an important part of the population.

Even the royal family seems aware of all these problems. When Charles and Camilla got married in 2005, she was not awarded the title of Princess of Wales. Camilla only became Duchess of Cornwall and, after Charles’s coronation, she became a princess consort rather than a queen consort.

A spokesman for Prince Charles recently confirmed: “The intention is that the duchess will be known as the princess consort when the prince takes the throne.”

However, experts say the law is clear and if Charles ascends the throne, he will automatically become queen, regardless of what he chooses to call himself.

Lord Norton of Louth, a member of the House of Lords and professor at the University of Hull, is very clear on this point: “On the death of the queen, Charles automatically becomes king, that is. His wife will become the queen consort, “notes the British newspaper Express.

In other words, even if Camilla chooses to make herself “known by another title” so as not to upset the public, in reality she would still be queen, a situation that many Brits refuse to accept.

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