What if my child has trouble sleeping?


It is a disease that affects both adults and children: sleep disorders. In “Sans Rendez-vous” on Europe 1, Iman, a listener and a 40-year-old mother, worries about her 7-year-old son who is a victim of sleep disorders. Without providing further details, she also wondered which specialist to consult. Dr. Jimmy Mohamed answers him and provides an update on these numerous syndromes that cause restless nights in many French people.

Rhythms of sleep, somniloquy …

Among the sleep disorders some are well known (sleep apnea, nightmares, night terrors) and others much less. There are for example “sleep rhythms, stereotyped movements” before falling asleep. It could be, for example, children swaying, as if they want to swing. “If these movements are not dangerous, this sleep disorder is not serious.” Another symptom, somniloquy: those who speak while they sleep. Very common, it affects 85% of children between 2 and 6 years and 25% of adults.

Good sleep for good growth

In order for Iman’s son to fall asleep more easily, a sleep ritual must first be organized, explains Jimmy Mohamed. “We will brush our teeth, we will put on our pajamas, we will go to bed. And above all we will avoid screens”. This ritual should be short so as not to reinforce separation anxiety in an anxious child.

The baby also needs to go to bed early because it is in the early part of the night that he secretes growth hormone. A child who does not sleep will therefore not grow up. And that’s not all: sleep disorder rhymes with learning disabilities. Napping babies have been shown to assimilate the knowledge they learned that morning better.

See a sleep doctor

If troubles persist despite everything, Jimmy Mohamed recommends making an appointment with a sleep doctor, the specialist in the matter. Depending on the case, he may for example offer to do a sleep polysomnography, which is a sleep recording to know in detail everything that happens during the night in your baby.

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