vapers more sensitive to respiratory viruses than regular smokers



  • The vapers showed more changes in the immune genes in their virus-fighting respiratory cells and reduced the level of antibodies.
  • The immune shift is even more pronounced in e-cigarette users than in smokers.
  • Deletion of genes questions the effectiveness of vaccines.

As winter approaches and in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, these results are not encouraging for vapers. Researchers from UNC-Chapel Hill (United States) found that e-cigarette consumers are more susceptible to respiratory viruses than the rest of the population, including traditional cigarette smokers. They also show suppressed antibodies, suggesting that vaccines will be less effective. The results of this study were presented on October 23 in the medical journal American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology.

The electronic cigarette is worse than the cigarette

Smoking e-cigarettes changes our body’s response to respiratory viruses, such as the flu or Covid-19. “There have been a lot of questions on the ground about whether e-cigarette and cigarette use is beneficial or harmful or problematic in terms of Covid, and we haven’t really had a good answer.“Continues Meghan Rebuli, assistant professor in the UNC Department of Pediatrics and author of the study.

The vapers showed more changes in the immune genes in their virus-fighting respiratory cells and reduced the level of antibodies. When comparing vapers, traditional smokers, and non-smokers, the researchers found that the immune change is even more pronounced in e-cigarette users than in smokers. “Using e-cigarettes is neither safer nor safer than cigarettes, and this is a very important message to remember, supports Meghan Rebuli. You probably shouldn’t inhale any type of tobacco related product as it alters your immune response to viruses.. “

Less effective vaccines in smokers

The study focused on the immune response to a certain flu pattern but “Results suggest that e-cigarette users are likely more susceptible to respiratory viruses such as Covid-19 than non-smokersThe scientists inoculated the participants, who mix cigarette or e-cigarette smokers and non-smokers, with a live attenuated flu virus, a modeled flu infection that allows researchers to safely examine immune responses. comparing the patients’ nasal fluid and other biomarkers, the researchers did not find that viral load differed between the three study groups, but found in smokers a decrease in immune gene expression. essential for defense against such a virus. like genes that help train the body to prevent reinfection. “It’s not good“Responded Ilona Jaspers, director of the UNC Center for Environmental Medicine, Asthma and Lung Biology.

We don’t want to see any suppression of genes, proteins and antibodies involved in an immune response“Meghan Rebuli shared. Yet this is what she and her colleagues found in classic smokers and vapers. This could be worrying news for vaccine efficacy in this population, the researchers say. These genes are important for help the immune system recognize a virus it has already encountered. “Your body can recognize the virus and create a kind of immune memory that prevents you from getting a subsequent infection, she explained. This is how a vaccine works. “

The question is whether a 90% effective vaccine will also be effective in e-cigarette users or will they have difficulty generating this immune memory?“Asks Meghan Rebuli. The latter adds that more studies are needed to study it in reaction to Covid-19 while the American Modern laboratory has just announced that its vaccine candidate has 94.5% efficacy, Pfizer working at 90 % and Sputnik V, the Russian candidate, 92%.


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