Relaxing breathing exercises to maintain lung health


The lungs are an essential part of our body and must function properly. Amid rising pollution, OnlyMyHealth has warned of its health risks during the coronavirus pandemic. Breathing exercises have a big impact on our life because they help you feel relaxed

What are the benefits of proper breathing?

Deep breathing reduces the level of tension in the body, which has already been shown in numerous studies, not only that when you take a deep breath, it stimulates your mind to relax.

Health Benefits Inhale and exhale:

Increase calm and energy

It reduces the pain

Detoxifies the body

It reduces stress

Activates the lymphatic system

Enhance immunity and digestion

Lower blood pressure

Here we suggest a breathing technique that can help you relax, called technique 4-7-8.

How do you do the 4-7-8 breathing technique?

To do this technique, first of all, sit on the ground in peace and keep your back straight. Having trouble sitting straight? If so, you can also use the wall to keep your back straight. To start this practice:

Breathe through your nose for 4 seconds and close your mouth.

Count to four in your mind.

Then he stopped breathing for 7 seconds. If you have trouble holding your breath for 7 seconds, don’t press too hard at first. By trying, you will be able to do it.

Then release the breath from your mouth and count to 8. Repeat this process at least three times. You can do it more often if you want.


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