“Let’s go bankrupt if we don’t! Cortacero has put the club on hold”


Dinamo’s problems seem endless. The team is going through a precarious moment both from a sporting and above all financial point of view, where the investments promised by the new Spanish managers are slow to arrive, and the DDB fans, who hold 20% of the club’s shares, see only one solution: insolvency .

Andrei Gerea, DDB: “We can’t go on with these individuals”

“This Cortacero does not have an activity that will allow him to support a team like Dinamo. If a massive injection of capital is not foreseen right now, the team has no way out. The solution is insolvency, but to do so with the shareholder Cortacero you have no chance. A month or two later, with debts to the state and other creditors, you went bankrupt. We cannot go on under any circumstances with these individuals. They obviously have no financial solutions.

Cortacero’s attitude in recent days shows a sort of courage, he tries to put his chest forward, that “I dedicate myself, a young player of Dinamo”. I am very irritated by Șerdean’s position, when suddenly he no longer knows this guy who has come to ask for his money (n. red. – Take Săpașu). I think it’s in bad taste. All kinds of doubtful people have come to lead Dinamo. They came here and put the club on hold.

If DDB had taken over the club at that time, I say that we would have been able to co-opt with new financiers, sponsors, we could have brought more, to arouse some sympathy because it would have been an unprecedented social moment in Romania. Fans want more and more people to write in groups to do whatever it takes to support the club. Without a capital contribution, Dinamo can no longer exist.

However, since we don’t want to give up, if Cortacero retires we would be willing to go into insolvency and reach a decent salary budget, trying to dialogue with players who have these unjustified salaries, and to get back to the situation a bit. from this summer we bring sponsors with the team and we move forward. But if this Cortacero leaves, to take everyone he came with, not to see them in Romania, “said Gerea, on the” Fotbal Club “show on Digi Sport.

I really thought that the sale of Dinamo da Negoiță to these Spaniards is equivalent to those fraudulent sales that were made by companies with state debts to certain companies registered in Syria.

Negoiță was not interested, he had to get information about these people. They did things from behind, we woke up with the club sold. 72 years of history didn’t matter

Andrei Gerea, DDB member

VIDEO. Alexandru Curtean is a member of the DDB: “The Spaniards of Dinamo have no credibility at the moment”

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