immunity would be solid … for 6 months



  • All three studies show that the immune response lasts no longer than 6 months.
  • The severity of the infection and the number of symptoms play a role in building our immunity to the virus.
  • About 90% of patients develop an immune response following Covid-19 infection.

Am I immune to Covid-19 after a first infection? This question continues to fuel research around the world. Three new papers have just been published on the subject stating that after a first infection, most patients develop a humoral immunity that protects them at least for the first few months that follow. This immune response is related to the severity of the disease, the more severe a person is, the more severe the response they develop.

Antibodies in 90% of the infected

The first study was conducted by Icelandic researchers who published their results on 1is September in New England Journal of Medicine. The researchers found that nine out of ten people (91.1%) developed antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2. In this population, the antibody level increases during the first two months after infection and remains constant for at least four months after infection. Furthermore, the highest level of antibodies was found in elderly and hospital patients. To obtain these results, the researchers analyzed the immune responses of 30,000 patients including 1,237 people recovered from Covid-19, 4,222 cases placed in quarantine and 23,452 people not exposed to the virus.

In the second study, conducted by American researchers, similar results were observed. Published October 28 in the magazine Science, shows that 90% of infected people develop antibodies whose level remains intact for five months after infection. To obtain these results, the researchers compared 30,000 people who tested positive for Covid-19 with 40,000 people who did not contract the virus.

The limited duration of the immune response explains the infectious waves

The third study, this time British, suggests that the strength of the immune response is proportional to the severity of the infection. In the pre-published results on November 2 in British Medical Journal, researchers estimate that this immune response is present for 6 months in the body of infected people. The researchers studied 2,000 volunteers, 100 of whom tested positive for Covid-19.

These results suggest that the immune response is related to the severity of the infection. The fact that it is more important in the elderly and in those who have developed severe forms and have been hospitalized shows that the severity of the infection and the nature of the symptoms play a role in producing our immunity to the virus. .

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