A bug prevents us from deleting the Windows.old folder


When applying feature updates from Windows 10 or upgrade to a new version of the operating system. Microsoft creates a folder named “Windows.old” keep a copy of the previous version for recovery purposes.

If the update installation fails or Windows cannot boot with the blue screen error, we will use the Windows.old folder. Thanks to this folder we can return to the previous state.

Windows.old cannot be removed due to a problem in Windows 10

Folder Windows.old can consume up to 20GB of disk space, but it may be less or more depending on the number of applications, files, and customizations included in the previous installation.

To delete the folder Windows.old, Microsoft recommends that you visit the tool Cleaning disk, where you need to click the button “Clean up system files” and then select the option “Previous Windows Installations”.

The Windows.old folder

The instrument it will automatically calculate the space occupied by those files. You can then click “To accept” to erase previous files from the Windows system and free up storage space. This process is very simple, but it may not work for everyone, according to the tech giant.

In some cases, it will not delete the “Windows.old” folder. Users have been reporting the problem for several months. The bug was first reported and fixed in 2016. But reappeared for some users after recent updates.

With this week’s preview, Microsoft says so You have finally fixed an issue preventing the removal of the Windows.old folder.

“Fixed an issue that caused the windows.old folder not to be completely removed during disk cleanup”Microsoft noted in the Windows 10 Build 20257 change log.

While Microsoft has not yet announced a release date for fixing the unreadable Windows.old folder on production channels, it is expected to arrive later this year or early next year.

If you can’t remove the folder with Disk Cleanup, you can try the following. Go to the application Setting and go to Storage Settings. Under Storage settings, select Temporary files and delete unnecessary files that take up space on the system drive.

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