Four new COVID-19 infections add to Bas-Saint-Laurent budget | Coronavirus


In Bas-Saint-Laurent, 101 cases are still considered active. Two people are hospitalized in connection with COVID-19.

Two new infections were reported in Matanie.

At the Résidence des Bâtisseurs in Matane, another employee tested positive for COVID-19. A total of 62 residents, 13 workers and three family carers have been infected since the outbreak began. Four residents have died from the virus and two others are still hospitalized.

The Résidence des Sages de Matane counts another infected resident, a case that should have been budgeted on Saturday, specifies the cISS.

The residence therefore has 12 residents and two workers affected by the outbreak, which caused two deaths. The hospitalization is still ongoing.

Number of cases for MRC :

  • Matapedia: 23 cases
  • La Matanie: 110 speakers (+2)
  • Mitis: 13 cases
  • Rimouski-Neigette: 139 crates (+1)
  • The Basques: 10 cases
  • Rivière-du-Loup: 190 suitcases (+1)
  • Témiscouata: 40 cases (-1, reclassification to another MRC)
  • Kamouraska: 79 cases (+1)
  • To be determined: 1 case

Source: cISS by Bas-Saint-Laurent

For the other two new cases on Sunday, they were reported in MRC Rimouski-Neigette and that of Rivière-du-Loup.

Two new deaths linked to COVID-19 were deplored on Saturday in Bas-Saint-Laurent. The cISS reported a new death at La Résidence Les Bâtisseurs in Matane and one at Résidence des Sages in Matane.

Regional public health indicates that the situation remains stable in CHSLD in Matane, at the Résidences Belle Mer in Sainte-Félicité and at the GMF-U in Rimouski (three cases).

A total of 348 screening tests were carried out on Saturday in Bas-Saint-Laurent, according to data from the cISS.

In Quebec

The 1,211 new cases of COVID-19 reported on Sunday bring the total number of infected people in Quebec to 123,854 since the start of the pandemic.

Public health authorities also report 15 new deaths. A total of 6,626 people have died from the virus in the province.

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