Weekly review: BMW electronic wingsuit, Porsche electronic shoe, Microsoft e-ziggi



Have you ever smoked an Xbox Series X? Did you wear a BMW wingsuit? Have you loaded a bluetooth speaker on the water wheel? Come on, let’s make Microsoft easier for millions! Your best articles of the week.

Hi netzwelt, welcome to your main stories of the week! Greetings from the windows of the Porsche bus, just before the weekend Michael greets with a full hard drive on behalf of the entire team: Michael.

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  1. From Xbox Wash to Microsoft millionaire

  2. These were the other main articles of the week

  3. There should be more

  4. The flat joke of the week

  5. We hope you enjoy this particular newsletter? Recommend it to others!

How can I best tell? More diplomatic? Without hurting your feelings? Frankly: you are so ugly!

Stop, stop – I’m not referring to you, the world’s best known newsletter readers (TeeEmm). I have products in mind. Some are so ugly, so unsightly, so incomplete, or so foolishly constructed that their respective creators would have done better not to reveal them.

Here's what it looks like when the Galaxy View is on the table.

This is what it looks like when the Galaxy View is on the table. (Source: netzwelt)

In this context, I spontaneously think of the Samsung Galaxy View. An 18.4-inch tablet with a huge clothespin on the back. A clothespin that snaps to your (and in this video my) fingers, like Wendler after the wandering soul of pop.

While BMW is as proud as Oskar this week a wingsuit with an electric motor presented, with which you can fly up to 300 km / h, Porsche also pulled out a sheet of something this week. The electric van with the name “Racing Service” – as some mockers claim – would have been better than ever seen in the world. It would look like a large red women’s shoe. I think both the name and the design of the red family van are chic. But take your own opinion, there are more pictures here.

Porsche "Racing service"

Porsche “Racing Service” (Source: Porsche)

Some things are so plant-based in nightshade that special effects are needed to make them desirable. Models without smooth skin filter? Uh! Pop music without automatic tuning? Stop that!

Now you could read with us this week that videos are piling up on the net, where you can see Microsoft’s “smoking” Xbox Series X consoles. The “refrigerator” isn’t that bad, do you throw it in? I guess that’s true. Also, I can’t get rid of the impression that the smoke wasn’t a special effect at all, but that someone simply blew the smoke from an electronic cigarette towards the fan. Bonus tip, if that happens to you: this is the best way to photograph smoke.

Honey where the sausages are The Xbox is on temperature, but the videos are fake.

Honey where the sausages are The Xbox is on temperature, but the videos are fake. (Source: Arek_Adamowicz Twitter Screenshot)

“It’s good that I ordered a Sony PS5”, I hear you call me at the office. Don’t rush the anticipatory controller thumbs. The first news of faulty PS5 consoles is already making the rounds. And sometimes our PS5 flips too. Hopefully all isolated cases.

From Xbox Wash to Microsoft millionaire

But let’s stay with the Redmond boys and girls for a moment. A former Microsoft software engineer was sentenced to nine years in prison this week. Nine years in prison! And is this just because he played Fifa 21 better on Xbox than his direct boss?

Seriously: the man who made his way through Microsoft bit by bit has something completely different on the sidewalk. The 26-year-old has sold digital products as gift cards worth ten million dollars. The full story is here.

These were the other main articles of the week

There should be more

Fearing that I would gasp in the light of Lockdown (no TeeEmm) (Puhhh), I made a small panic purchase and bought an old man’s bike, that is, an ergometer. Now I sit on it in the evening, watch Netflix and kick in front of me.

I can use an app to see how much power I am producing when I pedal. At every training session I think: it’s a shame not to be able to convert this energy into electricity and store it. Nine Finns once charged a Tesla Model X while riding bicycles, but I have many other ways to generate electricity in everyday life, even if just a little.

The Shower Power Speaker offers unlimited battery life while showering.

The Shower Power Speaker offers unlimited battery life while showering. (Source: Kickstarter)

That’s why I love inventions like Shower Power. It is a waterproof Bluetooth speaker to be fixed between the water pipe and the shower head. The flowing water then drives a built-in water wheel and generator, which in turn powers a battery with its electricity. Yes, never recharge the batteries again!

We need much more than just this “Stromer”. They have all been considered before. Stair steps that generate electricity when stepped on. Or paving slabs with the same goal. Isn’t it also conceivable that entire gyms are run by the muscle strength of their members? Do you have any other ideas or even real examples from practice? Then write to us at [email protected].

The flat joke of the week

Why is your dog barking so deeply?
It’s a subwuffer …
There are even flatter jokes at this point on Netzwelt.

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