Sarah Lombardi (DSDS / RTL) catches her boyfriend when she makes a mistake and exposes him – threatening dire consequences


Julian Büscher likes raw pasta.

© Sarah Lombardi / Instagram

You shouldn’t do this at all! Sarah Lombardi caught her boyfriend in violation and denounced him. But he supports it.

  • Sarah Lombardi caught her boyfriend Julian Büscher in the kitchen.
  • He ate raw dough in large quantities. Think it’s disgusting.
  • This can have consequences.

Cologne – Sarah Lombardi and her boyfriend, the footballer Julian Büscher, I’m still so happy. And also pursue typical couple activities during the corona pandemic. Below: bake! That the first According to DSDS a virtuoso in kitchen That is, their fans know this from the win at the Sat.1 program “Das große Promibacken” at the latest. He knows exactly how to make a pastry with pasta. And what you should and shouldn’t do.

Sarah Lombardi (DSDS / RTL): friend eats raw pasta

One should leave – at least that’s what it says Vernaculartaste the raw pasta. Or even to eat in large quantities. But that’s exactly where Sarah caught her Julian. “Got it!” He says as he sneaks up to the back of the kitchen. And the footballer licks the bowl of pasta in very large portions with a large spoon. And it also has its own Dirty sweater done. “It’s so gross, honey. Who eats raw cake batter? “

Julian Büscher eats raw dough in large quantities.

© Sarah Lombardi / Instagram

Sarah Lombardi (DSDS / RTL) thinks what her boyfriend does in the kitchen is disgusting

But Julian Büscher agrees: “Who doesn’t? This is the coolest thing, honestlyWhat else he says is difficult to understand due to his full mouth. Sarah Lombardi also explains what she thinks with the writing on the recordings: “Well, I’ve always been told in the past that it gives you a stomach ache.”

Sarah Lombardi (DSDS / RTL): The friend eats a lot of raw pasta, which can have dire consequences

In fact, it is true that raw pasta should not be eaten. Our article provides information on the details – perhaps Julian Büscher should have read it beforehand. Because the potential consequences are really delicate, they range from diarrhea up to one Salmonelleninfektion or complaints as a result of The coli bacteria. On the next walk he seemed to be fine, as can be seen in his Insta story. However, he shouldn’t overdo the pasta in the future. (lin)

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