What you need to know about Pomelo, the largest fruit in the citrus family


Pomelo is an exotic fruit from the citrus family, which Romanians don’t know much about. Therefore, if in supermarkets the shelves of citrus and grapes are stormed by consumers, the fruits of Pomelo are studied from a distance. Lack of information would be the main cause, and shopkeepers don’t have much knowledge of apples, a fruit “like any commodity”.

Pomelo was grown around 100 BC in China

Much appreciated over time in China, the Pomelo is still considered by the Chinese today as a symbol of luck that protects them from disease and damage. This “mysterious” fruit is also called shaddock, named after the English captain Shaddock, who first brought pomelo seeds in the 17th century to the West Indies.

Useful information

Pomelo has different sizes between 10 and 50 centimeters, but most of the fruits (lemon pomelo – a species imported from us) are between 12-25 cm and 1.5-2 kilograms in size, the color of the peel is yellow-green and the core is yellow is covered with a soft coating.

Fruit can be eaten as it is, but can be added to salads, fish dishes and even desserts. In China, fruit peel is also used from which jams are prepared and added to cakes, just as Europeans season cakes with lemon zest.

When we buy it, we must carefully study the shell and it must be strong. The fruit is sold wrapped in aluminum foil and a net, usually red.

The heart of the Pomelo fruit is similar in color to that of ordinary grapefruit, found in stores, but the Pomelo has a slightly bitter-sweet flavor, with a meaty texture and is very abundant.

What therapeutic effects has the heart of the pomelo fruit

Chinese and European nutritionists, who have closely studied the therapeutic effects of this fruit, recommend eating Pomelo for the following reasons:

  1. Numerous researches have shown that Pomelo juice has the extraordinary power to heal tissues by activating the enzymes responsible for the production of collagen, a protein that tones the skin and keeps it elastic.
  2. Vitamin C contained in Pomelo helps to absorb iron in the blood better and thus helps prevent anemia.
  3. At the same time, vitamin C in the composition of the fruit fights urinary tract infections and helps to increase the acidity of the urine; In this way, the number of bacteria in the urinary tract is significantly reduced.
  4. The consumption of Pomelo prevents gum bleeding and strengthens the root of the teeth, helping us to have strong and healthy teeth.
  5. Pomelo strengthens the immune system and protects the body from viruses responsible for viruses that are increasingly widespread in the cold season.
  6. Specialists claim that the increased intake of potassium and pectin in the composition of the fruit regulates blood pressure and maintains a healthy heart of consumers of this fruit.
  7. Pomelo is an excellent source of calcium; that’s why it keeps osteoporosis under control, preserves bone density and protects our joints.
  8. Also, thanks to the fibers, Pomelo fights constipation and bloating.
  9. The fruit is low in calories (35 calories per 100 g), is very satiating, burns fat and is recommended in diets.

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