Lack of vitamin D increases the risk of infection, including SARS-VOC-2. This is proven by studies conducted around the world.
Therefore, in order to protect people, in several European countries, specialists have requested the integration of basic foods with vitamin D. In Romania, the state offers it free only to children. Last year, the Ministry of Health even launched an assessment program, including among adults with problems, but due to the pandemic, the number of those who took the tests was very low. However, the results are troubling.
Vitamin D stimulates the absorption of calcium and stabilizes it in the bones and muscles.
The main supplier of vitamin D is the sun, and in its absence, specialists recommend supplementation from September to March. And this is because vitamin D is extremely important for the body. In its absence, we are much more prone to infections, including SARS-VOC-2 infection. In fact, a recent study in Spain of 216 patients shows that 82% of them had vitamin D deficiencies.
For this reason, specialists in the UK and France have requested vitamin D supplementation in staple foods.
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