Panic attack, a type of anxiety disorder described as incomprehensible without living, is gradually increasing due to the intense stress of the world we live in. In such a situation, never feel helpless. For those who have panic attacks, we have shared expert answers to questions about what panic attack is, what are the symptoms, what to do to stay calm.
Today, the amount of stress that people are under the influence of is increasing. The prevalence of psychological disorders is increasing, especially with pandemic and quarantine conditions. One of these ailments is panic attack. Panic attack, due to many different reasons it can occur in humans and people at the time of an attack; They feel they are under very intense negative emotions.
If you are experiencing such situations, first of all, know the enemy well; so what is panic attack, what are the symptoms It is useful to know details such as. If these attacks are frequent, you should seek professional help. However, there are some tips you can give yourself.
What is a panic attack?
Panic attack; come regularly and suddenly, in which the person experiencing the attack feels intense panic and fear it is a type of anxiety disorder. The most important point that separates the panic attack from the normal moment of panic; at regular intervals and for no apparent reason is the emergence.
Psychologist Dr. Danielle Forshee, Panic Attack “makes you take control and experience intense fear. a sudden wave of boredom ” Describes it. Panic attacks cause symptoms such as sudden and intense sweating, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, tingling sensation, nausea, and a feeling of dying.
The relationship between smoking and panic attacks:
According to a report published by TRT News in 2017; In a neuroscience study conducted at the Medical Center University in Hamburg, Germany, tobacco use was in the fear center of the brain It has been observed to cause damage and increased the development of anxiety and paranoia.
One of the scientists who led the research, Dr. There’s a reason smokers suppress their unreasonable fears during a panic attack, according to Jan Haaker: S.the chemicals in the iron, Stops the transmission of messages between neurons and the affected center. For this reason, the person has a hard time suppressing their fears.
Coronavirus outbreak, quarantine and panic attack:
Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Specialist in psychiatry of the brain hospital Dr. According to Alper Evrensel; coronavirus epidemic From the day it was first heard –Like all life threatening situations, individuals have intense anxiety and this anxiety has also paved the way for several psychological disorders.
The quarantine process associated with the pandemic is associated with anxiety disorder, obsession, anxiety disorders and It triggers ailments such as panic attacks. It also affects people with this disease much worse. Sleep and attention disorders are among the most common consequences.
The source of nocturnal panic attacks during sleep:
Psychiatrist Dr. According to Evindar Karabulut, the worst part of a panic attack falling asleep at night do not feel coming and the person suddenly wakes up with intense fear and panic. This state of affairs, once experienced, is likely to continue.
The person who has fallen asleep in panic thinks they will have a seizure again every night when they go to bed and precisely because of this thought sleep disturbances begin. As a result of this condition called anticipation anxiety, people, avoid sleep and be alone they also exhibit different behaviors such as
Panic Attacks During Pregnancy:
Mothers-to-be who have panic attacks in case of pregnancy think that their babies will also be affected by this situation. bigger fears they live. As a result, panic attacks and anxiety situations become a repetitive process.
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics op. Dr. Space Lightning; Since panic attack medications will not be taken during pregnancy, pregnant women will not be alone with therapy and exercise. participate in group activities He states that they can walk away from this situation and that this situation is not unresolved.
According to science, 7 ways to get rid of panic attacks:
- Wash your face with cold water.
- Apply grounding technique.
- Breathe through the diaphragm.
- Play games that distract you.
- Play with the stress ball.
- Challenge negative thoughts.
- Ask yourself questions.
Wash your face with cold water:
Psychologist Dr. Second Danielle Forshee; evolutionary, when humans come into contact with cold water a physiological reflex they have. As a result of this situation, also called the return to life reflex, the heart rate of the person who comes into contact with cold water slows down between 10% and 25%.
Of course, this is described as putting your head directly into a bucket of cold water, but exposing to very cold water will have the same effect. It is one of the most commonly recommended methods of slowing down anxiety.
Apply grounding technique:
Mental Health Specialist, author Mary Beth Cooper; It highlights some techniques you can apply to group your disintegrating mind. One of them is you can easily apply A method called Grounding Technique.
According to this method, the person having a panic attack should focus on a single point in order to recover their mind that was dispersed during the attack. Aim to focus a picture on the wall An object standing on the table can be a dog walking along its calm path. This will reduce the panic you feel and lower your anxiety level.
Breathing through the diaphragm:
Breathing is the basic requirement and the proof of life. The person experiencing a panic attack, along with various physiological reactions an intense sense of death strong breaths, especially diaphragmatic breathing, will make you feel that everything is fine.
Psychologist Dr. Danielle Forshee; taking diaphragmatic breathing relaxes the brain, taking the oxygen the body needs He says he will move away from the feeling of death and by sending the correct signals to our brain, he will move away from the existing situation.
Play games that distract you:
During a panic attack, the person’s mind is completely focused on negative emotions, as a result of this concentration, the attack time is prolonged and symptoms much stronger occurs. If so, you can start playing some mobile games on your phone with the help of technology.
Psychiatrist Dr. According to Prakash Masand, the underlying reason for avoiding panic attacks by playing is the mind and body. with anything but negativity is to commit. Playing a game with easy and fun music will help you relax by keeping your mind busy with other things besides attacks.
Play with the stress ball:
You don’t necessarily have to use a stress ball for this method. The goal is to keep the hand busy. Play with a stress ball, a lighter, a stone, a pencil it will keep your hands busy and will allow you to get away from the existing situation.
Psychiatrist Dr. Prakash Masand; the object you hold will act as a bridge connecting you to the moment you are, it will distract your mind and it will act as a stress reliever, reducing the level of panic, he says.
Challenge negative thoughts:
As a result of panic attacks that occur for no reason and repetition of negative situations that do not exist worse symptoms We talked about what he created. At this point, an easy-to-talk but hard-to-do method is suggested to challenge negative thoughts.
Psychiatrist Dr. Prakash Masand; stresses the importance of inculcating oneself with one’s own words in such a situation, creating a mantra and repeating it at such moments and it will bring the person back to reality talk about positive words.
Ask yourself questions:
John Hamilton, Family and Marriage Therapist at Mountainside Treatment Center, method similar to the challenge suggests “the method of asking questions”. Asking questions will naturally reduce panic attacks and somehow pass the time.
“Is there any reason why I feel this way now?” or “Am I exaggerating the situation I’m in?” like it allowing you to analyze your situation you should ask questions. As you focus on the answers to these questions, you will gradually begin to calm down.
With answers to questions such as what is panic attack, what are the symptoms, you can better understand the situation you are in and 7 ways to stay calm You can fight negative situations with. On top of all of this, getting help from an expert will be the most valuable thing you will do for yourself.
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