Michael Wendler left Telegram’s messaging service and left one last message. In it, the successful star presents himself as a victim who has lost everything.
Michael Wendler (48) reported on Instagram earlier in the week. On Telegram, however, he has now said goodbye.
But not without first inserting a final message of anger.
The Schlager star thanked her followers. And at the same time he railed with anger.
After his resignation as a DSDS juror, Wendler was on Telegram and spread his coronavirus conspiracy theories there.
On Monday night, Michael Wendler (48) reported in dozens of clips in his Insta story and apologized for his behavior (in the video above). When it comes to his conspiracy theories, he surprisingly fell back: he wasn’t an aluminum hat bearer nor a conspiracy theorist, the Schlager star clarified. At most, he could be called a “skeptic of the Crown measures”. It felt like he was suddenly starting to practice damage control.
Now Wendler has released a new statement on his Telegram page and greeted his followers. He said “what was important and he did what I could,” said the pop singer and reality TV star. It will now stop its Telegram page. In capital letters, he thanked “everyone” who stood by him.
Last statement on Telegram
Then he took off again and raged in anger: “I was one of the few artists who stood up and expressed my opinion on the measures taken by the federal government that were unbearable to me,” added Wendler. There are thousands of artists who “would simply remain silent”. “It cost me everything! Everything! It brought me a clear conscience and a liberated heart “.
Wendler has practically “sacrificed” his career: after his first video in which he inserted his crown theories, all advertising partners left him. RTL also distanced itself from him, all planned programs were canceled.
The exit also had consequences for his wife Laura (20). A circumstance that Wendler deemed “extremely bad”, as he said in his Instagram appearance earlier this week. It has nothing to do with his views. “If the husband robs a bank, the wife doesn’t have to go to jail either.”
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