Corona study reveals: “Profile of a killer”! Two ways to die from Covid: crucial insight?


Pathologists autopsied the victims of Covid 19 and obtained important information. These could allow for more effective treatment of patients.

  • I study “Molecular profile of a killer” brings important insights to a fatal one Course of Covid-19 disease.
  • So there are two ways to do this COVID-19* to die.
  • The new knowledge can now be used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients can be applied.

Liestal – “Molecular profile of a killer”. It sounds like the title of a new detective thriller that will soon be in bookstores. In fact, it is the summary of a study on the lethal effects of SARS-CoV-2 * in the body. It was in the science magazine “Nature Communications” released. The last author of the work – Kirsten Mertz of the Cantonal Hospital of Basel in Switzerland – has now commented on the results. The molecular pathologist is one of the first to do the autopsy COVID-19– Victims executed.

In front of Focus online said it was starting the pandemic “I didn’t know what to expect. “It was a completely new situation for us, victims of this highly contagious and unknown virus to investigate. However, as the study results show, investigations were urgently needed. Between March and May, Mertz and his colleagues performed and evaluated a total of 21 autopsies. The autopsied victims were mostly high-risk patients (males, over 70 years of age and with previous illnesses).

The laborious autopsies went quite quickly two anomalies be established. On the one hand there were deaths showing severe damage, especially to the lungs, and on the other Victims of Covid-19which showed only minor organ damage. This discovery is surprising as it shows that people work there Virus they are sick, they died from various consequences. The study shows that one group of victims had a high viral load in their lungs with little damage. The other group, however, had little or no virus in their lungs. In return, the lung damage was enormous. Course and duration of the Covid-19 disease therefore we proceeded differently in the two identifiable groups.

Coronavirus: There are two ways to die from Covid-19

In conversation with Focus ONLINE Mertz stated that the group of patients who had a high viral load in the lungs soon after The infection died, why that immune system the Virus he couldn’t fight successfully. In case of Patient of the other group, the immune system might Virus fight well. However, in this case, the victims died shortly after Lung damagecaused by an overreaction of Immune system originated.

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However, the two groups are not fundamentally different Disease progression, but about the course of the disease – only some patients died earlier than others. This could be why Research team but not yet find out. Only one link was noted: the group with the grave Organschäden could be found indicated at an increase Blood clotting which led to clots. This was not the case with the other group.

The results of the study “Molecular profile of a killer” they are in terms of struggle pandemic of great importance. Because there are ideas for different Treatment measures for patients with severe Disease courses. In patients with a high viral load in the lungs, antivirals should first be used. In the later stage of the disease, where an overreaction can occur, instead, special anti-inflammatory drugs should be used, which prevent an overreaction of the immune system and thus prevent tissue damage from occurring.

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Another important finding could be drawn from the study: a high viral load is particularly risky. According to Mertz, a high virus load, especially in the risk group, could significantly worsen the course. That’s why it is Wearing a mask is so important. He can do one infection it does not completely prevent it, but it reduces the viral load absorbed in case of infection.

A difference for the current victims of one Covid-19 disease Mertz does not see. He told Focus ONLINE that the virus hasn’t changed much: “He was and is a killer“It is therefore important to keep in mind that even people who do not belong to the risk group can suffer from a severe course of the disease. at * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

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